Lifestyle Blogging For Money

  Let's get real here... If you want to journal your life, blogging is a great way to share that with family and friends. And it's an awesome way to communicate from the other side of the planet. I commend you for writing home, posting pictures, and sharing what's happening in your life on your blog. I read several of those, and love every single one of them! Thanks.

But what about making some serious cash from all that blogging?

Here's the deal... You can make money blogging your passions, but you STILL have to SELL something.

Unless you're hot enough to bring in some serious bucks via donation, you're going to need to put something on that sweet blog of yours for sale. Because that's how you make money. You sell something.

Lifestyle blogging for money is definitely a doable thing, so let's venture into that concept.

John Chow talks about making money on his blog, and that's essentially what his blog is about. He tells people how to make money, and sells products that reveal to his people how they can make money too. He shares details about how he makes money online.

Joel Comm shares his life on the blog, various activities, places where he speaks (for money) and sells his books. He's a prolific writer, and writes for other publications as well as his own blog. He doesn't really have a niche, but he definitely has a market. He plays in all the playgrounds, but he definitely markets details about how to drive traffic, build a following, and connect with other people.

Ryan Biddulph talks about life on the beaches, posts his eBooks, and shares details of his life house-sitting around the world. But he writes books using pictures from his current locations as the covers. Interesting concept.

Krystine Kercher writes about lifestyle hacks, health tips, and being the mom of a teenaged daughter. She shares ideas about writing, her views on the world stage, and stories about her own fiction fantasy books. And she sells her creations via Zazzle, and her books on Amazon. She's a creative writer and will write or edit your book if you need her to, plus a variety of other services.

The key point here is that each of these amazing bloggers keep up with an audience based on their own lifestyle interests and passions, while attraction interesting folks who like to see what they're doing. Some are more popular than others. But all of them are lifestyle bloggers who have figured out how to make some cash income from their blogs.

Definition of Life style: A way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group A lot of people go through life used to a certain lifestyle only because that is what they have known from birth. Our family, friends, work; media all shape the lifestyle we live. Some never get the opportunity to be exposed to anything different and easily develop habits which live with them till death.

We are all generally averse to change and some NEVER admit to having an unhealthy or adverse lifestyle and shut themselves off to anything better. There are however lot of ways to break the habit and live a better life because lets admit it we can all be better them we are now. A lot of us are desperate for a lifestyle change, lifestyle lift, healthier lifestyle, lifestyle fitness. Let's look at 5 ways to do this.

1. Improve your Mind.

It cannot be over emphasized the importance or having an improved and open mindset. The first change has to come from within. How can you do this? Self discipline... We sometimes know what is right for us and how improve our lives but never do it because we tell our minds that it can't be done, it's not worth doing, do it as you know it. Without self discipline it is very difficult to live differently. Get a diary or a small book, writing out your goals. Start with e.g. eleven things to achieve in 2011. Make a commitment to yourself and discipline your mind and strive to achieve your goals. You can set daily goals, weekly or monthly lifestyle improvement goals. You then have action these goals and tick them off your list.

2. Always Know Your Starting point.

We down play our achievements only because we never take stock of our starting point. To make a positive and improved lifestyle, note your current state. Example, if you want to become healthier and loose 2stones. The wise thing to do is weight yourself now and then you will know if you have achieved your goal in say 2months. The same will apply to all your goals and by the end of a year you will be surprised how far you have come. Any change is a radical step as you all telling your whole body that we are changing course, you must know how effective the change has been

3. Boost Your Energy Level.

Feeling energetic is a key to happiness and to self-esteem, so take steps to keep your energy high. Exercise, even a quick ten-minute walk will increase your energy and boost your mood, this really works. Energy (or lack of energy) is contagious. If you feel and act energetic, you'll help the people around you feel energetic, too. Be careful also of what you read and watch as this makes you energetic or not. You have to sole responsibility with what enters your body. Get enough sleep, listen to good music, talk to friends as all these will give you a lifestyle change.

4. Watch your entry points (ears and eyes).

There are two main entry points into your body and most of us never control what comes in. Your life will be shaped by what you listen, read, watch. Ignore all the junk on TV for at least an evening in a week and search the internet for, lifestyle questionnaires, join lifestyle blogs, read healthy lifestyle tips. Look for lifestyle websites and find products to improve your lifestyle.

5. Live a Luxury Lifestyle the easy way.

This is somehow a controversial point but a luxurious lifestyle need not be luxurious and I will explain. Did you know that rich people live a very cheap lifestyle?, a rich man or woman will but an expensive car which will not break down for the next 6years, the rich will shop in bulk taking advantage of all the offers of buying in bulk, they will pay for a gym and get all the best exercise available e.t.c. The one who settles for a "mediocre" lifestyle buys a second hand car that is serviced every two weeks and at the end of a year will cost more than an expensive car. We sometimes buy things on a daily basis and end up spending more, will eat any food and exercise very little or not at all. You can choose to live in luxury by spending a little bit more now to gain in future. Dress well and be fashionable

Do Rules and Regulations Tie Us in Knots? Our Overregulated Society

It has become an article of faith, especially among liberals, that our newfound "rights" empower us as individuals. There was a time when a school principal, faced with a disciplinary problem, would simply make a decision. Decision-making in the public sphere has become almost an old joke. In place of individual power to make decisions, we now see layers and layers of regulations, fashioned by well-intentioned regulation writers. If something doesn't work, make a rule. If that doesn't work, write a few more rules.

No school administrator wants his school to be placed on a list of dangerous institutions. At Jamaica High School in Queens, New York, an assistant principal noticed that assistant deans were calling 911 in response to violent situations. One of the results was that the school was placed on a city list of dangerous schools. Problem? Make a rule. He sent out a one sentence instruction that said: "Deans are not permitted to call 911 for any reason." The rule was as simple in its clarity (a good characteristic of any rule) as it was insane in its removal of sound discretion. Mariya Fatima, a ninth-grade student, suffered a stroke. Because of the memo, employees waited over 1 hour before calling for emergency medical aid, a delay that has made her paralysis worse. Rule-making strips power away from individuals who really need the power, the discretion to make on-the-spot decisions.

Anyone who has ever encountered a local building department has seen up-close how rules, as opposed to intelligent discretion, can result in a nightmare. I have a friend who runs a municipal golf course. He wanted to put a canvas cover over the tee-off spots on the driving range so that golfers could use the driving range in the rain Great idea - more money for both him and the municipality. Not so fast. There was a building department rule that required that all new structures be able to withstand a wind of 120 MPH. He tried to explain that the "structure" was simply going to be a pipe frame with canvas on the top. If he forgot to roll up the canvas before a hurricane, so what? What damage could a piece of flying canvas do?

But no. A structure is a structure, and the new building code says it must be able to handle a hurricane. In a sane world, the building inspector could have made a decision that his proposal was not contemplated by the rule, or at most the inspector would have passed it by his supervisor for a written ruling. But the inspector was not in charge: the building code was. It is easy to argue, as bureaucrats do, that rules and regulations make for a just and predictable world. We are, after all, a nation of law, not men. But no set of regulations or laws can possibly cover every contingency, and to remove the ability of people to make flexible interpretations actually robs everyone of power.

Professional drivers in most developed countries in the world now have a plethora of rules and regulations that they and their companies must adhere to. These trucking regulations have often been introduced after a serious accident or disaster, perhaps with the loss of life. The overall aims of the truck driving laws are about improving existing safety regulations which will make truck driving a safer occupation for the truck driver and the travelling public also.

The transportation industry is made up of dedicated professionals who are keenly focused on getting the job done. This is exactly what companies and truckers did. They worked all hours, often to the point of exhaustion to get the job completed. Then a lapse in concentration by a sleepy trucker leads to disastrous consequences. There is often a public outcry and the legislators are forced to take action. An investigation will often be required and recommendations are made which lead to new road traffic safety rules and trucking regulations.

So these truck driving laws are about making sure that a trucker does not work to the point where they become over tired or exhausted. Another key feature in the traffic safety rules is to ensure that all vehicles are roadworthy. The impact of these two regulations alone has made a major difference to trucking regulations. Transportation companies and their truckers are much slicker in the conduct of their business. Safety regulations have become paramount in their operation throughout the company.

Truckers are now covered by truck driving laws which state the maximum number of hours they can drive while on duty. This currently stands at eleven hours of driving on a shift which should be less than fourteen hours. They truckers are required to keep a log of their driving hours. There are ongoing discussions on whether to install electronic tracking devices in the cab as they already do in the U.K. These are sometimes referred to as the "spy in the cab" and make it easy for the police, for example, to see exactly how many hours a driver has been on the road.

The transportation industry has dealt with the new traffic safety rules, perhaps with a bit of resistance at first. Now we have trucking regulations that keep everyone safe and happy. Truckers know where they stand when it comes to trucking regulations. They are safer and better drivers because of the safety regulations. The industry has a respected image as their operations have become more professional and efficient. The end result is that customers needing transportation services get more reliable deliveries when they want them.


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